Monday, October 15, 2007
all about "hehe" and "lol"
as i was reading my latest post, i couldn't help but notice the "hehe", something that has characterized my "writings" lately. then i remember reading a lot of "lol" (can't put the "s" to pluralize it, might change its meaning, i really don't know, hehehe. i had no idea whatsoever what "lol" meant the first time i came across it. sooo simple a word, but soooo meaningless to me. as i got soaked into reading other people's posts in blogs, youtube and the like, well, i believe i now know what that little word is all about. thought of using it, but i'm a habitual user of "hehe" and i don't see myself -- yet -- as a blogger or anything near. It happens when one migrates (or dips) from texting into blogging. old habits die hard, unlike old people (like me?) who are easy prey to a heart disease and its cousins, hehehe.